Fusion SEND Hub has a strong track record in supporting colleagues in a variety of settings, to address the needs of its staff in building confidence and capacity in addressing an increasingly diverse population.

Continuous Professional Learning and Development (CPLD) opportunities that we offer are constantly evolving based on local, regional and national needs. These are identified by a variety of methods that require all of our staff to engage with a wide range of networks.

Embedded within our practice and philosophy is enquiry based reflective practice, where staff at all levels are engaged in both research informed practice and research design and development. A motivational learning culture is embedded within all of our development programmes.

We believe that to secure the greatest impact on outcomes for pupils, schools need access to responsive and timely support when and where they need it quickly.

Our CPLD programmes include:

  • Curriculum expansion and creativity in curriculum delivery.
  • Leaders in SEND CPLD including learning mentors, SENDCOs, Senior Leaders, safe guarding leads etc.
  • Action Research to address classroom practice within local and national SEND targets and initiatives.
  • Introduction to SEND which is bespoke to your settings need.
  • Personalised Learning for all pupils with additional needs and/or SEND.
  • Autism and Anxiety
  • Emotional Health and Well-being
  • SEND development workshops
  • Support for new SENCo’s
  • TA development programmes
  • Inclusion for all with a focus on quality first teaching.
  • Curriculum specialisms e.g. Maths mastery, Fischer Family Trust, Sensory, Trauma Informed Support, SCERTS etc.
  • Behaviour Support including Team Teach and De-escalation techniques that are bespoke to your setting to ensure the support is appropriate.
  • Communication support e.g. Makaton, Total Communication, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) etc.
  • Practical solutions backed by strategy
  • Home/School liaison
  • Progress reviews and planning.

Bespoke individual Professional Development packages of support are also available and can be delivered to individual schools, groups of schools (Localities or MATs) or regions. These are delivered either by school leaders, SLE’s, LLE’s, NLE’s or specialists teachers, often in partnership with our strategic partners e.g. Sheffield Teaching School Hub, Sheffield Hallam University or specialist and/or mainstream schools. A key component of our delivery model is to ensure sustainability by building in a research/audit element to our CPLD at all levels.

We emphasise building capacity, and we welcome all feedback to ensure schools reflect on the impact of CPLD and our support.  Please click here for the Fusion Menu of CPLD courses that we can offer schools, family of schools, MAT’s and localities.

Please check out Eventbrite booking system where you can see more information of what’s on offer and book onto our courses.

Or to discuss your Professional Development needs by emailing enquiries@fusionsendhub.co.uk